Course details

90 minutes all-you-can-drink 2,200 yen (tax included)

90 minutes all-you-can-drink 2,200 yen (tax included)

2200 yen(Tax included)

Adults: 2,200 yen (tax included), Junior high school students and older: 880 yen (tax included), Elementary school students: 550 yen (tax included), Infants free

  • 1persons-
All-you-can-drink available

90 minutes drunk drink

Course menu

This is a drink only course!

You can choose your favorite dishes from a la carte dishes!

Same-day reservations are also OK♪

Recommended for those who like to drink a lot.

All-you-can-drink menu

・Kirin Ichiban Shibori/Kirin Green Free (Non-alcoholic)
· 【Shochu High】
・Oolong Hai/Green Tea Hai/Plum Wine Chu Hai/Lemon Chu Hai/Shikuwasa Chu Hai/Hibiscus Chu Hai
・Highball/Highball Cola/Highball Ginger/Okinawa Highball~Shikwasa Flavor~
· 【Glass wine】
・ Glass wine (red) / Glass wine (white)
・ [Awamori]
・Kume Sen
・[Okinawa red sweet potato shochu]
・Beni Issei
· [Shochu]
· Black Kirishima
・[Awamori plum wine]
・Umebijin/Tankan plumshu/Shikwasa plumshu/Mango plumshu
・[Cocktail] Standard
・Gin and Tonic/Cassis Orange/Cassis Oolong/Fuzzy Navel/Peach Oolong/Lychee Orange
・[Cocktail] Awamori cocktail
・Awamori Coke
·【Non-alcoholic cocktails】
・Pine Shikwasa Juice/Beni Juice
·【Soft drink】
・Sanpin tea/Utchin tea/Oolong tea/Cola/Calpis/Ginger ale/Orange 100%/Grapefruit 100%/Shikwasa juice/Guava juice/Pine juice/Mango juice/Acerola juice
Available days for reservation
Monday to Sunday, holidays, days before holidays
Length of stay
2 hours
Reservation deadline
Until 15:00 on the day of your visit

2024/02/23 update